Continuing on with this fourth time around with the KonMari process, this week, I tackled books.

Before starting this category, especially for the first time, I think it’s really important to evaluate what books mean to you. Marie Kondo loosely suggests having around 30 books, but I think it can vary wildly depending on the person. Maybe keeping 30 books that spark joy seems like way more than you could ever have, or maybe that seems impossibly small. If you are in the latter category, I would highly suggest you consider why you want to have lots of books.
For me, and most of my close friends, we all strive to have home libraries, so keeping lots of books is important. However, that doesn’t mean I keep every book I’ve ever purchased. My criteria are: Would I like to re-read this? Do I have sentimental attachment to it? Is this a book I want to have so I can lend it out to people?

I wouldn’t keep books just as decorative objects, or just because you have read it. Really hone in on the joy spark. Also ABSOLUTELY take everything off the shelves. With books, it is so easy to just say ‘I have room for all of these’. Take them all out.

Todd’s books I think I have more than him now!
Even though this is my fourth time, we have gotten rid of a handful every single time over the last 3 years. My husband, Todd, joined me for this category, as well. The whole process, including taking pictures, took less than an hour, and we emptied up a l o t of space. Enough that we could put the extra books that were in a box back on the bookshelf (we plan to build in a larger book case sometime)!

before after
The extra space also allowed us to arrange everything by category again (school, fantasy, fiction, comedy, self-help/skill, religious, parenting). Let me know how your book purging is going! What books can you absolutely not let go of?

If you’re interested in my KonMari story, you can check that, and the other categories out here:
My KonMari Journey Part 1 – Clothes Part 3 – Papers Part 4 – Komono