Hello, hello! It’s been just a few months since my last KonMari update—maybe you thought I’d quit, ha! After my last KonMari, I discovered I was pregnant, and the morning sickness hit, as well as a couple of months of sickness for the whole family. (Did not spark joy.) As a result, KonMari’ing for the fourth time wasn’t at the top of my to-do list. However, now that baby #2 is only a couple of months away from making his entrance, I’m in full nesting mode. I want to get this 4th time done, so we can be totally ready for baby!

We’ve moved on to the Paper category. This includes your important documents, notes, and instruction manuals.
Now, to be perfectly honest, I was kind of dreading this category. I knew for a fact that I had a pile of who-knows-what papers in the baby’s future closet. I gathered them all up, searched the house for any stragglers (there, very surprisingly, weren’t any!), and brought them together with our document folder.

I was completely blown away by how little there was to sort though (granted, this is my fourth time in 3 years). Todd had a few things to decide on, and I re-checked the document folder to make sure nothing was there that ought not to be. Then, it was on to my loose papers.
There were less than a dozen, thanks to me tossing out old scrap paper lying around a few weeks back. In the pile, there were a few that I considered important enough to keep—like a list of how many clothes I thin I want in my ideal wardrobe; and a floor plan sketch for a small cabin, and I still keep my ‘goal’ exercise weekly plan.

I did not expect to have so many duplicate lists though. I kid you not, I had 6 hand-written lists for projects I want to get to in our house. Looking over each one, I determined that I already had the honey-do list memorized, and a piece of paper was wholly unnecessary. I chucked the lot.
Though I did not have many papers to sort thought, and it took, at most, half and hour, I do feel a lot better. First of all, I know that I don’t have a bunch of mystery papers lying around. Second, my second child’s closet floor isn’t littered with papers, miscellaneous (I boxed that to move it out), and shame. Excellent!
before after
If you’re interested in my KonMari story, you can check that, and the other categories out here:
My KonMari Journey Part 1 – Clothes Part 2 – Books Part 4 – Komono