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why co-sleep

I love co-sleeping, as regular readers will know! The most frequent question I get about it, though, is why? Why did we choose to co-sleep?

Well, initially, we weren’t sure if we were going to—you can read all about our co-sleeping experience here. But there are several reasons for our continued (indefinite lol) cosleeping.

it makes nighttime breastfeeding easier – with my first, it was already a chore to figure out how to latch the baby, get set up with pillows, etc. But even once I got the hang of things, it’s just so much easier. I’d much rather wake up with both sides of my cami unclipped with vague memories of night nursing, rather than get out of bed, waking myself up properly multiple times a night.

it reduces risk of SIDS – just sleeping in the same room as their parents helps babies avoid SIDS. Best guesses are that they can mimic adult breathing patterns (babies aren’t so good at remembering to breathe sometimes when they’re new); and that parents are more in-tune when close to their children, so can check if they feel something might be awry. I had several times with Gwendolyn where I wasn’t sure if she was breathing, and I had to mess with her until I could tell (or maybe even get her going, still unsure)

you can help children if they are sick or in trouble when you’re nearby, you can help asap. No one likes barf in their bed, but it’s better than a sleepy baby stuck on their back struggling to spit up alone. (Our record is 4 sheet changes in one night.)

you’re always there to comfort them – I don’t know how other people’s kids are, but mine will randomly moan, or cry in the night. Usually, just a comforting hand on their back, or a ‘shhh, I’m here’ calms them straight away. If it doesn’t….breastfeeding to the rescue!

you don’t have to get out of bed – I hate being woken up. Like, I’m not very nice when woken up if I don’t want to wake up. I also hate being cold. If I had to get out of bed all the time to deal with tiny quick-fixes, I think I’d be really, really sad.

it promotes bonding – imagine: snuggling up to your babies as they drift off to sleep. Even if they need something later, they know that you will be there to help them. If they wake up scared, you’re there for a cuddle. In the morning, you have more snuggles, and each others’ smiles are the first thing that greets you. Your kids have a stronger sense of belonging. You get to see them sleeping peacefully (which is often a saving-grace in parenting).

it’s cozy af – Most nights, even if both children have legs draped over me, I go to bed smiling. Little arms just barely touching you to make sure you’re still there. Sweet, sleeping faces. Our room is always cold in winter, so cuddling together is the best. They breathe in and out gently, as you breathe in these amazing moments with your special little humans.

If you co-sleep, what’s your favourite part about it? If you don’t, what other questions do you have? I’d love to answer them for you!

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