You have a baby, so you need to pack up a diaper bag—the question is: that do you need to pack? Have no fear, I have the answer right here: it’s subjective. Everyone has their own lifestyle, and needs, so there’s no blanket list that will fit everyone.
Even though that answer is true, it’s also extremely unhelpful to anyone actually looking for an answer. So, as a minimalist, what do I keep in my diaper bag?
When I had a little-little baby (under 6 months), I was going out a lot, so I brought quite a bit of ‘extra’ things with me, but for your average trip out of the house, especially with an older baby, I find you don’t need that much.

diapers – that’s a decent amount. You never want to go under 2, and probably don’t need more than 5
wipes – check to make sure there’s a good number in there—you don’t want a poop situation while out and about only to discover there’s only 1 wipe left
nursing cover – for those times you can’t nurse discreetly, but baby’s gotta eat
extra clothes – having 1-2 changes of clothes for baby (and even any kid under, idk 7) sounds superfluous. I don’t really do this anymore. And I regret it any time I go anywhere far away from home. Have 1-2 outfit changes on hand for baby. If you keep the other things minimal, you’ll have room for it
baby carrier – even with older babies, or toddlers, keep one in your car, if you don’t want it in your bag. My youngest loves walking everywhere right now, and has for, like, 6 months. However, the novelty has finally worn off, and I often find him walking slower than a turtle. If I need to just get in and get out of a store (particularly one with no carts), or am on a schedule, a carrier has, once again, become a necessity.
That’s it. That’s all I bring.
Now, I nurse, so I don’t need any extra feeding supplies. Our changing mat came with the bag. We have specific car toys, so I don’t have to pack any from home. We can always bring water bottles, or a snack if we need it. But I don’t haul that stuff around with me all the time.
If you’re looking for the bare minimum you need to sherpa around for baby, this is what’s worked for us.