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try: love letters museum

A few weeks ago, I saw an ad on Instagram for a new art exhibit in Salt Lake City (they finally have me pegged). I was immediately intrigued, because it was a tribute to all things books, and writing. As someone who has always had a passion for writing (screenwriting major, and took serval classes in typesetting and design), and loves to read, I knew we just had to go!

On Saturday, we made our way to the Love Letters museum, and we all had the best time.

Let me say, though I love many forms of art, paintings, sculptures and the like have never been an area of great interest for me. This exhibit, however was right up my alley, so I’m gonna tell you all about it!

First, there was the rainbow library (with a hidden door). Though organizing books by color has a certain visual appeal, I prefer to sort mine by category and author, b u t  seeing the green section got my motors going. I just may have to make custom dust jackets in various shades of green when we finish our basement office space. Would that be crazy? We have a lot of books. But it looked so cool!


There were arches made of books, and lovely murals. I loved the giant books, and Gwendolyn was particularly amused by the tiny art room. We all had fun on the book slide, too.

There were giant blocks, and regulars-sized blocks, and fun prints galore.

One of the coolest features was a projections space where you got the craziest shadows—and ‘light shadows(?)’. 

The next space had some fun wall murals, which we definitely had to get some pictures with. However, the piece that took the cake was a shredded-paper pit! Gwendolyn could not get enough of it—we played for 45 minutes! Finally, we spent a little time in a tiny room setup. In the end, we could hardly get her to leave!

The Love Letters exhibit is a lovely tribute to literature and print, and you will definitely like it if you like reading, writing, or have an interest in type. But you should also just go, because it’s a great time!

You can purchase tickets here (not sponsored).

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