Surprise blog post, because we’ve just has an crazy amount of fun!

A few months back, we were over by the University Place Mall, and saw a ton of inflatables. The kids, especially our 3 year old, were obviously super excited by it, and wanted to go. And, to be honest, I have complained a fair amount as an adult that bounced castles ‘aren’t for adults’ when I’d like to have fun on them, too. We were interested, but we’re very busy people, and didn’t prioritize going—I thought, ‘maybe in the Fall’. Well, targeted ads let me know that there were only 2 weekends left to go (so discounted price!). Since the kids have brought it up a few times before, I knew I wanted to squeeze it in while it was still here.
Funbox is “the world’s biggest bounce park”. It is HUGE with so many different areas to climb around and explore.

First, we went though a sort of obstacle course—though, to be honest, walking on an inflatable floor for so long was a bit of an obstacle in and of itself. I was surprised at how much variety the different sections had for things to climb on, and run through. And the big open area toward the end is basically a giant trampoline, and was probably Todd and my favourite part.

From there, we went to the absolutely massive main area, where we climbed everything, and ran thought all the inflatables like lunatics. Honestly, it was SO MUCH FUN. There was a pyramid, and towers, and slides, and ramps, and tons of inflatable obstacles. Just running around fast to see if you could without falling over—and falling over—were great fun.
I was excited to go, and the kids were excited, because visiting Funbox was a surprise, but Todd wasn’t too keen. However, after literally just a couple of minutes, he was also having blast. We both jumped and ran so hard we absolutely consider it to have been a workout.

Some of our most fun moments include: the aforementioned long trampoline-like tunnel at the end of the on the obstacle course part; running around the bowl; giant ball stepping stones; and just bouncing everywhere the whole time.
We did have a couple of funny mishaps: me attempting to cross the giant balls, only to learn they weren’t really inflated enough to hold me, and me totally biffing it; and Todd knocking our daughter off a platform with the tetherball, all in good fun, and then doing the same for our son, and him tumbling off the platform he was on.

Now, I wish we had gone sooner, so we could go one more time. There are several locations around the country, so you can see if there’s on near you on their website. For Utah friends: it’s only in Orem for one more week—go while you can—it’s super fun!