Okay, you guys. I’m going to let you in on a something. It’s kind of a secret, but mostly just a great idea. One that just may change your world forever.
Yup, you heard me. Whether you rarely get out with your partner; you make it a weekly thing; or, like us, all of your romantic dates are romantic dates + a toddler…Thursdate is for you.

I noticed that Friday nights are the worst nights to go out. Even if you’re just running to grab some impromptu ice cream, you get caught up in crazy long lines. Dinners take significantly longer, and traffic is worse. It’s just not a great situation. Depending on location, Saturday might not be quite as bad, but it’s not great either. Enter: Thursdate.
See, if you go out for your fancy dinner, or grab your ice cream, or go to an activity on Thursday, you probably won’t have any lines, or traffic at all. Plus there will be less people around. Overall, the entire experience is so much less frustrating. It’s crazy. Actually, it’s amazing.

During our most recent outing, we visited KoKo Lunchbox for the first time, and Penguin Brothers for the severalth time.

Now, there is a fair point to be made about Friday being the last weekday, and therefore being a less stressful time to go out, but I say: after a long week, you’d really rather spend extra time in traffic, and a lot longer waiting for whatever it is you’re out for after a long week at work?
When you choose Thursday, you get most of the benefits of the work-week ending, but you only have to survive one more day—even if you stay up too late. Plus you can do more, because you’re doing it without the stress of everyone else trying to do the same things at the same times.
It’s a great idea. But maybe let’s not all do it at once.
Do you have any other suggestions for avoiding the weekend merriment rush? Do you Thursdate? If not, give it a try, and let me know what you think!