With Thanksgiving this week, I wanted to pause and reflect on what I’m thankful for, this year in particular.
As it’s colored my entire 2019, I’m thankful for the way my second pregnancy went. Though I do a d o r e not being pregnant, I am so happy that it went so well. Truly, it was my ‘redemption’ pregnancy. Where my first was stressful, unhealthy, and emotional, this second time was healthy (physically and mentally), happy, and positive. I’m grateful that, at the end, I had a birth experience which was beyond anything I could have hoped for. I came away feeling incredibly capable, and proud.
I’m also so thankful for everyone who helped me in my second pregnancy: my entire loving family, my outstanding birth team, my healthcare peeps…I was so supported, and it helped make the pregnancy and birth the amazing experience that it was.
Of course, that brings me to Harry. I am so thankful that this sweet little spirit joined our family. Honestly, in the womb, I didn’t feel like I had a strong ‘read’ on his personality like I did with Gwendolyn. When he was born, I was shocked to discover that I felt the same way. He’s a gentle, loving soul––but I’m glad that now, I finally feel like I understand him. He’s the perfect addition to our Greener family.
I’m thankful especially for my mom for her listening ear, and help; for Todd and his endless support; for Gwendolyn’s love and patience with my ever-fluctuating hormones; Wendy and Baek Seung Jo for being sweet to me (now that I let them break rules all the time); Chrissy, for being a one-in-a-million best friend; my dad for his advice, diy skills, and just generally being an awesome grandad; my sister for her support, adoration for my kids, funny memes, and make-up suggestions ; and my in-laws for being a wonderful second family, and being so happy to meet little Harry, and talk with me.
I’m grateful for the experiences I’ve had this year: seeing my best cat friend forever, Chrissy, one last time; fostering kittens!; meeting the best pizza of my life; fixing up our home into something lovely. It’s not an unusual life, but it is so special to me.
I’m also thankful for this you, dear reader. Blogging was never ‘the dream’, but it is what works for me at this period in my life. It gives me a creative outlet, and a project that is mine. I hope that my thoughts, experiences, ideas, and advice have helped you in some way. I feel very exited about the thoughts that I share here, because I want to help others feel as confident, and satisfied with their family-life, and home, as I do.
I could go on and on, but I think this is sufficient for a brief reflection on what 2019 has brought.

What are you thankful for this year?