Getting the right gifts for everyone on your list can be a task. If you’ve got a newborn on it, it can become even more difficult. Will they remember what they get, and enjoy their gifts immediately? Most definitely not! But do you want to leave them out entirely while they look on? No to that, too. So, what do you get a newborn for Christmas? Since I’ve got one of those this year, I thought I’d share my ideas with you.
- ‘Heirloom’ toys – wooden blocks, toy cars, or other pretty items you’ll probably hang on to past the baby stage. These items, even if unused for a while, will still look nice on the shelf. Your newborn will be really impressed.
- Needs for the next few months – baby gym, tactile toys, bibs, you get the idea. Even if your baby is still quite small, these are things you’ll end up with soon enough, so might as well gift them. We’re doing two tactile toys for Harry this year.
- Nursery decorations – if the cost of having baby kept you from totally finishing your nursery space, use the holiday budget as means for completing it. Your newborn will be just as impressed with that framed artwork as they will with a toy car.
- Clothes – this is especially easy if your baby will be sizing up in the next month. Gift a large bag with an entire capsule wardrobe in it, or wrap individually for the illusion of just as many presents as their siblings (if any).
- Hand-me-downs – for non-first-children, this is a fantastic way to get them involved in the gift-swapping fun, but without any cost to you! My son will be getting 3 items for Christmas that would be in his room anyway. Your newborn will not care.
Shopping for the holidays can be stressful enough as it is—there’s no need to make a fuss trying to impress a tiny babe. But it’s still nice to include them. Personally, I’m excited for my baby’s Christmas. It was so much easier to curate his gifts than it was when my daughter was a newborn. For babies around the end of the ‘4th trimester’, you may get some attention held, but that will likely be their biggest reaction. Get them involved, but don’t get too worked up. They’ll have a great day just being with you!

What are your favourite newborn presents?