We’ve made it to the end—of my pregnancy, and this series. As a second-time mom, I really wanted to provide information I would have liked as a first-timer, and hopefully share things that would be useful to other moms by sharing what’s worked for me, and just adding to a positive dialogue around pregnancy.
For your convenience, this post is a list of the entire series, so you can easily reference all the posts.
my favourite nursing tops: boob design
what i wish i’d known the first time
6 different ways to belly wrap
stop telling pregnant moms that having their baby will be worse than being pregnant
dealing with allergies while pregnant
breastfeeding throughout pregnancy
Thank you so much to everyone who’s followed along. If you’re ‘here for the baby posts’, up next I’ll be posting a “4th Trimester” series centered around topics concerning the first 3 months with baby!