We’ve finally reached the end of the Postpartum Series. My hope was to have it done by my son’s first birthday…then 2 years old (because they say that’s when your body is basically ‘back to [new] normal’)…then the New Year. But now it’s done. If anything, I think how much longer it took for me to get through these posts than I originally expected reflects the postpartum period well. As with pregnancy and birth, each person’s postpartum experience will be unique, and even different with each child.
It’s so common for people to discuss pregnancy and birth, but the entire postpartum period is chock full of new challenges that I think all parents could use support and info during. If even one of the posts in this series helps one person, I’ll be chuffed to bits.
If I’ve learned anything this postpartum go-round, it’s that, no matter what, things will change. A lot. Hold onto yourself, and let others help hold you up, and one day you’ll realize you’ve made it through.
For ultimate utility, I have complied all the posts for the Postpartum Series here.
introducing your pets to a new baby
getting out of the house with 2 children
a few of my favourite baby things
our secret to a smooth morning
what’s in my minimalist diaper bag?
crafting a day that works for you
guest post – attachment parenting for dads
Thank you so much, if you’ve been following along these last few years. I hope it’s been useful. If you are in the market for info on pregnancy, or the 4th trimester, you check out my series on those, too.