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master list | 4th trimester series

With the new year almost here, we’ve also made it through baby’s first 3 months of life––through the 4th trimester.

Adding a baby to your family brings so many changes. I know I’m not the only one who has been even more intimidated at how home life would change with a second baby than with the first.

My hope has been that these ‘real-time’ posts provide insight and comfort to first-time and multi-time moms alike. There is a fair amount of information about the pregnancy period, but I feel the 4th trimester period is less discussed. When a new family member arrives, things change, but through the rough parts there is plenty of positive, too. Sometimes, you just need to know a general idea of what you might be able to expect. If you’re expecting, or have a new little one, I hope this series has been useful for you.

For easy reference, here is a master list of all the 4th Trimester Series posts.

how great is not being pregnant?!

our two child cosleeping setup

0-3 month capsule wardrobe

what to bring a postpartum mom

tandem nursing

the baby bubble: first time vs. second time

second baby’s home birth story

setting up siblings for success

my experience with placenta encapsulation

our postpartum freezer meals

attachment parenting with multiple kids

guest post: how to take care of a postpartum wife

Thank you so much for following along with our growing family’s story. If you’ve enjoyed the Pregnancy and 4th Trimester series, this upcoming year, I’ll be posting a weekly Postpartum Series covering topics during baby’s first year of life, so look out for that!

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