When we decided to keep Wendy, I wanted be sure sure we were providing her with a fantastic diet. We ended up with a top of the mid-range/bottom of the high range canned food—but it was pretty pricey. I had looked into making cat food back then, but hadn’t found ‘the right’ way to go about it. Fed up with high cat food prices, Todd did a lot of research, and discovered that we could actually save money by making our own cat food! Plus, we could make it easily with TC Feline premix.
Note: it’s very important that you get the right nutrients for you cat—just winging it, or following Pinterest recipes will not be good for your furry friend.

All you need is:
chicken (we use chicken thighs)
eggs (optional)
This premix is fantastic, as it makes creating your own cat food a breeze!
First things first, we use a meat grinder attachment for our KitchenAid. You could buy ground chicken, but it’s harder to find, and more expensive. With all your chicken ground, you just follow TC Feline’s recipe on the premix bag, factoring in how much chicken your using. Whisk up the premix and some water, add optional egg, and stir.
Our cats l o v e cat food making day—which we do about twice a month, usually—and they are always lurking nearby, hoping for any scraps. The whole thing is a bit of a family affair, with Todd grinding the meat, one of us measuring the portions, the other sealing bags, and Gwendolyn taking them to the freezer.

I love that we have such a nutritious food for our fur babies, and our cats love getting fresh meals!
If you’re looking to upgrade your cat to the best, give TC Feline a try. Their satisfied tummies and luscious coats may have you converted!

*Not sponsored in any way. We’re just sharing what we know, and enjoy.