February 15th, we hit our 5 year wedding anniversary! Honestly, I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by—time flies when you’re having fun?—especially after graduating, and especially-especially after having a baby.
We weren’t the youngest babies ever when we got married, but we’ve had 5 more years of life experience, and time together, so I thought it’d be fun to reflect on how we’ve changed as individuals, and as a couple throughout our marriage. 5 questions for 5 years, of course, featuring my lovely husband, Todd:

What has been one of the highest moments of our marriage?
Todd: I liked when we were pregnant, and we went to my parent’s cabin, and we just sat on the porch all day, and then we went to Yellowstone the next day, and all the geysers were going off.
Lindsay: I think a real high was when we purchased our first home last year. Spending time fixing it up and updating it all summer was just exciting, and very adult-y. I’ve looked forward for years to having my own house, and it’s been fun working on it together.

What is different in our relationship, 5 years into marriage, that you’re glad is different?
Todd: We’re both a lot more realistic. I don’t pretend that I can just, like, have free time all the time when I get home from work, and you don’t treat my like a pet anymore, as much, mostly, as often.
Lindsay: You are better at helping out. If there are things that need to get done, you basically just do them, no questions. Most of the time. 😉

What has stayed the same our relationship that you’re glad is the same?
Todd: You still think I’m funny. Most people ignore my jokes…or when I speak at all, in general.
Lindsay: We are still best friends. We can’t stay mad, and we want to hang out, because we have the most fun when we are together. I love doing everything with you. You’re the best.

What makes you most proud of us as a couple?
Todd: We are adulting just fine. Better than some others.
Lindsay: I think we’re really, really good at communication (not perfect). We’ve worked through some difficult trials, especially the last few years. But we both want to understand, and help, and we’re pretty comfortable with bringing up what we need to, and listening when the other person.

What do you think we can work on to be a stronger couple in a year?
Todd: Trying be be more vulnerable, and have less emotional barriers.
Lindsay: I think having an even greater balance. We’re pretty good at being with each other when we have time, and giving each other space when we have other things we’d like to work on, but I think can get better at managing personal time, couple time, and the ever-present parenting duties.