Happy 31st Birthday to my wonderful best friend, and husband, Todd!

I feel so fortunate that we found each other. He’s still the most interesting, most funny person I’ve ever met, and I am grateful that we’ve been able to grow into adulthood with each other.
Recently, one of my favourite things has just been seeing his skills and capabilities grow in all areas. This past year he’s:
- painted our new house, mostly himself
- learned how to switch out electrical outlets
- learned how to install light fixtures
- continued to hone his HEMA skills, and passed off level certification
- added shelves to our pantry
- built in our entire cleaning closet
- figured out how we can make our own nutritionally balanced cat food
- read a l o t of books
- mounted our tv…and re-mounted it when I realized where I had said I wanted it was too high
- hung up curtain rods in record time
- went on a cool trip to a place he’s wanted to for a few years now
- fixed squeaky doors
- moved us and our friends on the same day
- continued to learn more on all sorts of things that piqued his interest
- spent hours tilling rocks our of our yard, and landscaped
- continued to work on personal projects—and started a notebook to keep track of them all
- assembled cat trees, chairs, and kids toys
- been recognized for his hard work on a project at work
- been added to our HOA board, and picks up dog poo, even though we don’t have dog, to save the HOA money
- taught Gwendolyn the different parts of a sword, and they ‘spar’ together
- continued to be a very conscious budgeter
- been getting up early for work, so he can come home earlier
- Gotten really good at the instagram husband thing—even though he doesn’t like it—which I am very thankful for
- cleared out of dryer vent
- creates the plans for, and built planter boxes for our garden
- learned how to recognize his own emotions better, because of how we do things with our toddler
- traveled across the country, and didn’t even get harassed by TSA for RBF
- fixed our terribly front porch rail
- worn Gwendolyn up mountains a couple of times
- been exercising more regularly so he feels better after his desk-job
- successfully created a second child
I also appreciate that he:
- is generally so good at keeping up with the litterboxes
- has taken the floor cleaning upon himself, though he wasn’t asked
- is supportive of me, in my roll as a SAHM (helping out whenever he can), and with projects that matter to me (like this blog)
- is great with Gwendolyn. It’s so special to see their bond. I am very happy that we can be on the same page with parenting, and support each other, and create the best environment for our kids
- loves cats
I love you, Todd!