On Saturday, we celebrated 3 years of Wendy. I can’t believe how fast time has gone by!

She is our first baby. At the time, I truly only meant to foster her, but with her slew of medical issues, Todd’s persuasion, and my allergist’s ‘okay’, she was a keeper after just a few days. We went nuts and spoiled her rotten, only to discover, less than two weeks later, that we were expecting a human baby as well.
If you’d like to see her rescue story, because we literally snatched her off death’s doorstep, check out the video I made about it here.
Wendy was probably born around 5-6 months prior, but January 19th is our ‘gotcha day’, and we wanted to make it special. Very special. If you truly love your pets, and want to give them the birthday they deserve, I’ll share what we did:

First things first: wish your cat a happy birthday first thing. They will definitely appreciate the gesture.
As the day goes on, make sure to be a little extra lenient, and give them bits of any food they beg for. For Wendy, this meant giving her my ice cream lid after she repeatedly rubbed her hind-quarters on me her while I was eating ice cream. She seemed very happy with my offering.
Although it is nice to make your cat feel special all day, the most important thing to do is to host a party. Decorations are obviously just as important for a cat party as they are for a human party, so don’t skimp.

Remember to invite your cat’s favorite friends, too. Since we love Wendy so much, we did a formal party. The only cat friend she has is Seung Jo, and he lives here, so we were set after that.

Since your cat mostly just cares about themself, you needn’t serve food for humans, but you should have a yummy dinner for you cat. For her first birthday, we cooked her unseasoned chicken (garlic is bad for cats!). This year, we didn’t have any on hand, so we just gave her her regular posh soft food, but locked brother cat away so she could eat slowly, and without playing musical cat bowls.

We sang to her—not happy birthday, just worshipful songs of her beauty—but she got a new cat tree she a d o r e s just a few days ago, so we didn’t open any more presents, although it is nice if you can have at least something for them.

That’s it! Hosting a cat birthday party is pretty simple. Just remember how special they are, and go all out!

*this party never actually took place. All photos are staged.