Happy Mother’s day!
—especially to my mom—but to all my fellow mamas and mamas-to-be! On this holiday, it’s expected that we spend some time to show gratitude to the moms in our lives, and we also hope that those who love us will show us a little extra special love for our maternal efforts.
But what are you doing for yourself this Mother’s day?

I want you to pause for a minute—grab some paper and a pen, or your phone’s notes app, or just ponder:
how are you different than you thought you would be as a mother?
Stop. There’s one rule: you can only list positive things. What do you do that has made you proud of your parenting skills? What positive results do you see in your children? What have you overcome to be a better better mom? What did you never know you could do, but now do regularly?
I am absolutely positive that each person reading this has at least a few things they can be proud of. And I think we don’t linger on these wonderful traits often enough. As parents, it’s so easy to see where you want to improve, or where you messed up, or to simply be proud of your kids, and not think about your own growth. Here’s my list:
- I’m happy that I stick to my guns. Both with things that I want to be a part of my family’s life, and things that I don’t want to have in our lives
- I’m glad that I feel confident and happy with my parenting choices
- I’m proud of how patient I am. I would never describe myself as patient, but I keep my composure amazingly most of the time
- I’m happy that I’m prioritizing my health, and needs. I’m a better mom and wife when I take care of me, too
- I’m glad that I take the time to do things slowly with Gwendolyn (as much as possible). It’s so wonderful to see her grow in her abilities, and to spend unplugged time together

Now, it’s your turn. What are you doing right? Acknowledge it; celebrate you, mama. You’re amazing, and your family is so, so lucky to have you.
If you’re feeling open, please, share your list with me—I would truly love to know what you’re great at! And share this (feel free to just post the question) with other moms—let’s spread this positive mindfulness with every mom we know, and lift each other up this Mother’s day!