One of the things I was most worried about with having two kids was going out with them both. Running errands, going to appointments––you get it. Well, like anything else, it took a little practice, but we’ve spent the entirety of 2020 going out, the three of us, every single weekday. I wouldn’t say it’s easy, but we have the basics down now.
Here’s my tips for going out with two kids as a solo adult.

just the essentials – I know it can be tempting to bring everything you might need in every single possible situation. Any and all toys the oldest wants to bring, loads of extra snacks, etc. Don’t. Two kids is a handful, especially when one is either car seat-bound (heavy + bulky!) or must be worn, and the other is still pretty young. If you need to get something out of your bag and it’s over-packed, it will just become a disaster while you search. Also, your car will become super messy (speaking from experience).
always have backup – though you don’t want to bring too many random things, don’t be crazy, either. If you don’t bring a spare outfit, your baby will definitely blow out. Make sure you have plenty of diapers, wipes, and an extra outfit for baby. At some point, you will thank yourself.
consolidate travel days – if possible, try to do more things on days you already have to go out. Need to go an appointment, and the grocery store, and stop by the post office? See if you can do at least two of those in one day. You probably don’t want to be gone fore 5 hours (hence only doing two of those), but going out fewer days is nicer.
know what you need – you know you need backups, and not to fill your diaper bag with superfluous things. However, you also need to be mindful of where you’re going, and what you’ll need in that situation. For example, if you’re headed to the doctor, and may be there an hour, consider just a couple of toys and a blanket for baby. If you’ll be with friends for 3 hours, consider lugging around a bouncer so you have options for baby’s entertainment. If you are headed to the store, perhaps a baby carrier, if your baby prefers it to their seat. Life will just be so much better if you have what you need, instead of trying to make do with one or—heaven forbid—two unhappy children who don’t have what they need. Situation dependent, you may need quite a bit of stuff, but if you’re mindful, it will all be stuff you actually need.
That’s what I’m working with, at least! What are your best tips for going out with two kids? I feel like we could still improve.