Now that the cat’s out of the bag––we’re expecting baby #2!—I’ll be dedicating one of my blog posts each week to pregnancy-related topics. But this is all new (for you), and we’ve been quiet about it, so I’m going to share a recap of my pregnancy until this point: finding out I was pregnant, how things have been the second time around, and our plans.

Deciding When to Have a Second Baby
I had originally ‘planned’ to try to conceive back in July 2018. However, once July came, I was not interested in that, as we had just moved into our house after a summer of renovations. A month later, though, I couldn’t stop the baby talk. Did I want another now, or did I not? I definitely talked Todd, and my mom’s ears off. I waffled back and forth every few weeks, but sometimes every few hours. Finally, I decided to not worry about it (kind of a big decision for me): I’d enjoy life now, and if I decided I did want #2, then we could do that then.
To be honest, my memory is already a little fuzzy, but I guess in December I somehow decided I was ready. We calculated my ovulation and everything, but we had no idea how long it’d take, since our first was conceived without any planning ;). We were a bit late, but I suppose we had a fun night in early January, because, a few weeks later, after going 37 days since my previous period, I got a positive test.

Positive Test
It’s weird, because, when I was pregnant with Gwendolyn and was bringing home the test, I had this ‘off’ feeling that I’d never had taking a test before (sort of erratic periods, so I had taken many). I had the exact same feeling bringing home the test this time. I took it immediately, because you can always just take another in the morning—am I right?—and it was positive. I had kind of hoped to get a test earlier that day, but forgot, so Todd didn’t get any big cool reveal this time either, just “I’m pregnant!?!’ But at least it was a positive reaction, and a planned baby.

When to Tell
We thought it could be fun to keep it from everyone as long as possible this time around, but I figured my mom would start to wonder what was up if I stopped talking to her, so I told her 2 days after we found out, which is 2 days longer than I waited the first time. The next day, I told my sister, so my mom could talk about it to someone, but finally decided to not leave my dad out (he gets very excited about these things, and I’ve heard he has a hard time keeping them in), and told him, too.
After telling my family, we decided we’d tell our friends we see on a weekly basis, too, for two reasons:
- Because I felt very ashamed—thanks, crazy hormones—in my first pregnancy at it being unplanned, and not being excited about it either, so I wanted to soak up as much good vibes as I could this time around, and
- I literally started having mild morning sickness the day after I got the positive test, and I wanted to be able to complain openly haha
Crazy enough, the majority of Todd’s family stopped by out of the blue the following weekend, and so we were able to tell them, as well.
As for Facebook, the internet, and humanity in general (aside from all my doctors), we decided to wait until 20 weeks to make sure everything looked good, and then we could announce the gender, instead of doing two separate posts. Plus, we’re weren’t planning to tell Gwendolyn until that point either, as we thought it’ll be easier for a 2 year old to wait just 20 weeks, and it’d be more fun for her to know a gender.

How I’ve Been Feeling
Overall, I feel much better than I did in my first pregnancy. Besides mental health being exceedingly better, I have also not had to stop exercising (I was doing a l o t when I got pregnant the first time, and had to scale back), and, despite having morning sickness from about 5-10/11 weeks, Gwendolyn has trained me to run better on less sleep and food, so I’m not having to binge saltines at 3 am, thank heavens! Overall, it’s not been bad. I’ve had a couple of absolutely killer headaches, hip pain, and some nausea, but most of the time, I feel alright. The hardest part was us being sick most of the time in February and March…on top of morning sickness. Plus, nursing has hurt a large part of 2019, thanks to pregnancy, so that’s been tricky.
In this second trimester, I’ve been feeling amazing. No nausea, getting all my drive back (hence resuming this blog with vigor!), and I don’t have any food aversions! If it weren’t for my diastasis recti, and new, proper bump, I would feel pregnant at all. Except for the hip pain. But whatcha gonna do?

Pregnancy Plan
So far, I’ve kept things really loose goosey. I’ve done this before, and I’m feeling unconcerned about adding another kid, so I don’t have everything pinned down yet.
We started care with the same midwife who delivered our first—I think that’s kind of romantic to have the same midwife for your children—because she was perfect, and I trust her. We are probably going to do the same hypnobirthing class again, too, because it worked out so well for us the first go round. Why change what ain’t broke?
Up in the air is birth and postpartum doula. I had a doula at Gwendolyn’s birth, but I didn’t get to meet her beforehand. She was literally exactly who I needed; but this time, I’d like to know who she is before labor. We’ll sort that out… Also really interested in having a postpartum doula, most especially for belly wrapping.
Our Labour Plan
Everything went about to plan the first time, so we’re just hoping to improve it a little. We’ll have the same wonderful midwife, and I’ll 110% be birthing in a tub again—but this time, probably in our basement! Convenient! As for Todd’s roll, the only thing I think we could have done better from Gwendolyn’s birth would be having him help me with some hypnobirthing scripts. That didn’t happen last time, and I’d really like to have him involved in that way, as we’re thinking this might be our last pregnancy.
Postpartum ‘Plan’
Like before, I plan to do placenta encapsulation. We also will be co-sleeping as a foursome, though we’re still figuring out the logistics of that setup. I really hope to tandem nurse, as well, as breastfeeding Gwendolyn has been so special to me.
Luckily, Todd’s got a month of parental leave at his current job, so I think the first month should go alright! We plan on lots of babywearing, and for Gwendolyn’s baby-love to apply to a live-in baby. Fingers crossed.
Announcing to Gwendolyn
To be honest, we’ve talked pretty openly about things around her, and only slightly hushed things, so I was pretty sure she wouldn’t be insanely shocked.
We decided to wait until the day before our ultrasound to tell her, that way we could to our appointment, and she could see baby, and find out the gender. Fun fact: she didn’t care; she had baby dolls to play with.
To reveal, I made a slideshow, where I showed her some of her baby pictures—which she loves looking at—and then backed down to newborn photos, discussed her birth a little, looked at photos of when I was pregnant with her, and her ultrasound photo. Next, we gave her a present: inside was a daddy-sized hoodie, a mommy-sized one (matching, of course), a Gwendolyn-sized one…and then a smaller one.
How did She React?
She immediately said the smallest hoodie was for a baby (she’s been telling us for weeks now that she’s getting taller, and we need a little baby). Once we told her I had a baby in my tummy, she hugged me! Then she asked if we could watch Ponies. So, I guess she’s happy/ambivalent.
The Ultrasound
The ultrasound was super chill. Gwendolyn’s ultrasound went well, but it was no pictures or recording, and at a hospital. This time, we were just in my midwife’s office, and the technicians were a husband and wife team. Right away, it was obvious Kit was a boy. Everything went well, and he’s got all his human parts.
I’m chuffed, because I think he’s really cute! Definitely has a different nose and mouth/chin than his sister, though. The wife technician was so thoughtful, and got a video of him sucking his thumb; I love it.
To be perfect frank, I was hoping for a girl, so we could honor Todd’s mom through their middle name (Gwendolyn’s middle name is after my mom); and it’d save us money, among other things. But I’m not sad, because I like Kit just the way he is. But this may throw off our family planning.
Todd is happy, because now he doesn’t have to stop calling Gwendolyn “best girl”. I’m excited to use my #1 boy name that I’ve been hanging on to for a decade (it’s a secret).

Revealing Gender to Family
We sent Gwendolyn and Kit’s ultrasound pictures in a group text for fun comparison, and then called our moms. My parents are excited, but I’m pretty sure they would have been either way. Kit will be the first grandson who can pass along the Greener name, so Todd’s family happy, too.
Overall, we’re all very excited to meet him at the end of September! We’re halfway there.

I think that’s everything! Let me know if you have any questions about how things have been going, or what we’re doing—I’m happy to share. I’d love advice for anything boy—I have no brothers, and feel a bit intimidated. Also, please, give me any tips you have for second pregnancy, labor, or adding a second child!