I am so excited—this is our first year with a garden!

Growing up, we had a garden, but I mostly just weeded (which I was not a fan of, because: dirt), and I didn’t love a lot of the foods you could grow in a garden. But there still were a few foods that were exciting to harvest, and that has made me interested in growing some of my own food.
For many years now, I’ve wanted to have an herb garden, because I love cooking with fresh herbs; and I’ve somewhat-recently increased my love of using them, too.
With Gwendolyn, I’ve been emphasizing healthy foods, versus foods that are treats, or not so healthy. Thankfully, she likes a lot of healthy foods. And a lot of healthy foods are ones you can grown yourself…
I was interested in finally planting a garden, because it would give us another excuse to spend some time outside, and I wanted Gwendolyn to see how food is grown, and I thought she’d have fun tending after it. Todd was also really interested, so we just went for it!
Utah has had super crazy weather this year, allowing us to plant so late (lucky for us). Todd made up plans, and build these gorgeous boxes himself. I am super impressed.
In the smaller one, we have my herb garden (yay!), and in the larger we have all our veg. I may have done things the Lindsay-way and gone a bit overboard, as I chose plants before the boxes were made up…but hopefully we’ll still get some good stuff growing. It’s a learning process, right?

We’ve also got three (two kinds) strawberries in a pot I had sitting around plantless. Good thing, too, as we were out of room!

I think next year, I might just stick to zucchini, strawberries, peppers, carrots, spinach, and lettuce.
We got Gwendolyn a lovely little watering can, and she is loving learning about the plants and has already filched some strawberries. I think our little garden is super hygge and welcoming, too.

Any readers out there have planter garden? I’d love to know any tips you may have—I have no real idea what I’m doing. Also, let me know what your favourite food to grow yourself is!