I interrupt this generally positive blog to deliver the very devastating news that, in September, one of my best and longest friends, my cat, Chrissy, died rather suddenly.

Basically, she had a very-fast growing oral cancer. She was fine one week, a little swollen the next, and gone 2 weeks later—only being put down because there was nothing to do, despite her having a great morning before her tumor erupted. She was 16 years old. I just wish I hadn’t been so heavily pregnant, because, despite knowing anytime in the last few years could have been the last, I really wish I could have had one more chance to hold her.
Chrissy showed up on our doorstep in December, all alone, when I was 11 years old. “Chrissy” for Christmas. Having always had a passion for cats, and having wanted a kitten the last few years, it was very exciting. It was our first year being homeschooled, and given our ages, my parents decided now would be an appropriate time to keep a kitten. It was so strange that she jut showed up—no one nearby had any kittens at all. I always said she just fell straight from heaven.
Immediately, Chrissy and I bonded. We grew up together. Everything difficult I went through growing up, I went through with her. Not to be dramatic, but there were times I felt she was my only friend (puberty was rough for me: hello, anxiety!). As I discovered who I was, and why I wanted, and what made me excited about life, she was always there—through every self-discovery, accomplishment, and low-point.
We had a language all our own. I’ve tried to replicate it with other cats, but I just can’t. We were so in-sync with one another, even after I went away for college. She loved nothing more than to cuddle while I read a book in bed. In fact, my ‘happy place’ is in bed in my old room, window open in the spring, cicadas chirping, cuddled up with a good book, and a happy Chrissy-Po.

She loved playing with paper, and plastic bags (my scrapbooking phase was a favourite of hers); sitting in the window; cuddling; Christmas-time; and even had a pretty playful streak. She would beg to sit in my armoire, and she’d get down by resting on my shoulders. She put up with my endless singing (though not without putting a paw over my mouth once or twice), and she’s the reason I’m so amazing at making any song into a song about cats! She followed me everywhere, like a dog. She loved chicken, and cups of ice water.
I’ll miss her purr, and the effortless way we worked together. I’ll miss her sitting on my back to wake me up, and the loving looks she’d give me when we spent time together–just the two of us.
Though I wish I had been able to bring her to live with me, or at least had more time with her over the last 9 years, I am so, so thankful for the chance to have such a strong bond to an amazing animal.
Now, here’s about a billion pictures of my beloved throughout her life:
one of my fav pics of her

bump hug meeting gwendolyn

Chrissy, I love you. Thank you for being my friend.

chrissy + lindsay forever