Easter is just a few weeks away now, and one of the top things on my list was to get Gwendolyn an Easter dress.
My grandma was an extremely talented seamstress, and made me and my sister gorgeous dresses each holiday season. Getting these lovingly-made dresses was always exciting and special. For me, it’s imperative, because it’s passing along something special from my childhood. I have continued the tradition with my own daughter, with one major exception…I don’t sew.
Despite not really knowing how to sew—because I hate it—it’s very important for me to be able to give Gwendolyn an experience as similar to mine as I can: new dress of exceptional quality.
Over a year ago, I got an online ad for a beautiful dress, and had to learn more. The website was EleStory*, and, let me tell you, I have been swooning ever since. Their dresses are absolutely darling, and often have several pretty colorways in the same style. I loved their Christmas dress collection so much, I seriously considered canceling my own Christmas gifts in favor of those instead!

Last Easter, I hoped to get the same dress we now have, but, as we’d just purchased our first home, we held off. This year, we realized that these dresses were IT when it came to hitting all my marks: heirloom quality, beautiful, not mass-produced. I showed Gwendolyn all the colorways—as she’s starting to have clothing opinions now—and she chose purple.

The dress arrived really quickly, and you really do get what you pay for. The craftsmanship is tremendous, and it fit her perfectly! Definitely a dress that can be passed down, and treasured. We took some pictures up by my in-laws, and I think we can let the dress speak for itself.

If you’re like me and l o v e mommy-and-me fashion, they often have coordinating women’s dresses, too. I didn’t get one for myself, sadly, as we’ve got several other things that need our money more at the moment—but I hope I can match next holiday season.

If you’re in the market for an exceptional Easter dress, I highly recommend checking out the various stunning lines at EleStory!

*not paid; I just really love these dresses.