Somehow, an entire year passed (???) and my baby is entering toddlerhood. Since his first year was an incredible blur, I wanted to memorialize the time with a list of my favorite things about being a mama to a baby. There’s 12—one for each month he’s been out (as of when I originally wrote this).
contented nursing sighs – is there anything sweeter than a little one giving you the most loving feedback? Talk about a rush of good feelings.
buttery-soft baby skin – here’s a thing: I’m not a big fan of feet, in general. But baby feet….gimme some! I love to kiss on little baby feet. Skin-to-skin snuggles with a baby is lovely, too. Once they start walking, and rolling everywhere, they’re just less buttery, which is a bit sad that it is so fleeting.
sweet baby snuggles – tiny babies just want to tuck in. Gwendolyn was never more content than when she was nursing. Harry l i v e d for snuggles. There’s something so wholesome and trusting about a new baby just absolutely passing out on you.
tiny toes draped over my leg during nap time – let’s be real, Gwendolyn still does this. I call it the baby booby trap. It’s meant to keep you from wandering off during nap time. But little baby toes and legs are so small and cute, it’s extra special when they do it.
the quickest smile when I smile at him in the mornings – I’m not a big morning person, but getting a huge grin the second my eyes open—one with no requests or demands following it—is a real mood-lifter.
baby smell (not new baby, just general baby) – everyone says new baby smell is amazing, but I’ve never really smelled it? I do just like the scent of a clean baby, though. Before they’re toting around snacks, and getting sticky, they tend to just smell…nice.
feeling like there’s a bubble of just us – when your baby is so young, and so dependent on you, it can feel like an extension of pregnancy. Especially if you have a wonderful, supportive partner. Everything is about you + the baby, and it’s really unique. I still feel strong bonds with my kids, of course. But my youngest is walking now, and babbling all the time. It’s not just us in this strange bubble of cuddling and nursing and napping.
the huge firsts: walking; words; teeth – developmental leaps are often a bear, but the end results are quite fun. It was obvious to me, from pretty much day 1, that Harry wanted to walk. So, seeing him hold himself up, crawl, walk, and now run and dance, has been a real treat.
sweet baby curls that make me weak – It took me 3.5 years before I had Gwendolyn’s hair cut for the first time; I was so sentimental. And now Harry’s got these amazing curls (moreso than his sister)….we think he might have wavy hair, but just in case it’s just baby curls, I’m loathe to cut it. It’s getting long, and even Todd thinks we should now, but those sweet little curls are just precious.
seeing who they connect with – when Gwendolyn first met my dad, is was instant love. I really enjoy seeing who my kids have special interest in, and seeing those relationships grow. Harry certainly has favourite family members, and it’s fun to see him recognize them, and be happy or content around them.
baby giggles – a little one giggling is a balm. My oldest didn’t really truly belly laugh until she was over a year old. Harry, on the other hand, delighted us with tiny giggles early on. And they were magic.
content just to be hugged – babywearing was and is Harry’s thing. Though he still likes it, and it helps us out a lot, but when he was new, it was the thing he loved the very most. He’d just stare up into your face so intently. It was the sweetest. Now, he can do so much, and wants to try so many things, and be involved, so wearing in and of itself isn’t as necessary to him as it used to be.
I c a n n o t believe it’s been a year. It’s been HARD. But I can’t imagine life without him, my sweetest little bear.