Last year, I made a list of favourite things at the end of the year. Separate from a Christmas card, or a look back at how things aligned with our resolution word, it gave me a space to notice what things we had fun doing, and what we prioritized doing during the year. I found it a great way to see our year apart from the previous one, and think these post may even be some of the ones my kids like best in the future.
Without further ado, our favourite things from the last year.

1. korean language – this year, we continued what we started in 2021, and worked to get the kids familiar with the Hangul alphabet, and to build up vocabulary with flash cards. Between the kids’ au pair, summer Korean classes, and me starting a weekly class, we’ve learned a lot. Gwendolyn went through a 2 month period where she could read Hangul, but not English. The flashcards have all been learned, and Harry makes up a lot of ‘Hanglish’.

2. outdoor time – we took the kids out to bike on the Provo River Trail on their own bikes, or scooters, lots. We’ve gone on several after-diner walks together, and installed a swing in the back yard. I have good memories of reading in the yard, while the kids played, or foraged in the small bit of woods, or ran around with play silks mounted to sticks like flags.

3. crio bru – we were drinking it just as much, in years’ past, however, this has been the year where I’ve made several…bulk purchases, and had an abundance of flavors to choose from at serval different points during the year. I ought to be able to have 3 cups a day, and not remake any flavors for 2-3 days! That has been the case for large chunks of the year. It’s not a problem, it’s a passion.

4. heavenly mother – a few years ago, I bought some art, and read poems in search of Heavenly Mother, but this year we did more. During my weekly poetry reading time with the kids, I read through Mother’s Milk, and, though they weren’t balls of feelings like I was, they enjoyed it. I also took Gwendolyn to a fireside on Heavenly Mother, and added to my art collection.

5. dance – this year, all of us, except Todd (the shmuck), have been doing a lot of dancing. Gwendolyn finished up her third season of ballet/jazz, and then did Zumba Kids Jr. with one of her best friends through the summer. Now, she’s taking ballet/jazz, and hip hop. Harry has started dance classes, too now, doing hip hop. I have also prioritized the exercise that’s most fun for me this year—so I’ve been doing a lot of Zumba.

6. city planning – due to his volunteer work over the last few years, Todd has grown more interested in city planning, and has subscribed to several city planning/bike-city planning channels on youtube. Though I was a bit interested, I watched a l o t while sewing Gwendolyn’s halloween costume, and now it’s a proper passion for us both. Ask us about trains, sometime.
7. fashion – historically, I’ve always had very simple fashion tastes, and, as I moved into adulthood, relied more on my youth than any particular style, besides ‘basics’. Since having kids, I’ve played with fashion more—for them—and, last year, did a bit of an overhaul on my style. This year, I figured out the best time for me to get the clothes I like for the kids; continued to update my closet; and bought some things for Todd. Harry’s wardrobe has to be the winner, though, as far as coolness goes.

8. reducing vehicles – at the start of 2022, we had 2 cars; 2 adult bikes inside; 3 kids bikes inside ; one scooter inside; and a massive cargo bike outside. We sold Todd’s car, and the bucket cargo bike! And we were able to take some kids’ vehicles out of rotation (we now only have 2 kids bikes, and 2 scooters).

9. korean television – Todd says this had to be a separate point, because he’s not learning Korean, but has watched a of of K-Dramas. In Spring, I decided that I should try to pay special attention when watching to try and listen for words I knew, and try to actively learn. I would also read the subtitles, and if a word I knew was going to come up, try to improve my listening ability. I think it’s been helping. The children have started watching Pororo, and l o v e it. They sing the songs all the time.

10. new experiences – I know this sounds like a catch-all, but I think each member of our family has done something totally new and outside their comfort zone this year, and that should be acknowledged and celebrated. We’ve been on our first—2—vacations as a foursome. Todd’s been building in closet for the kids (a whole tale in and of itself) Gwendolyn tried so many new things, and classes. Both kids took swim lessons. Harry started dance—his first class experience. The kids and I have been learning to use chopsticks (I couldn’t before this summer, but now I can. Amazing). Todd and I went to a show in another town. Going to Korean classes for me was t e r r i f y i n g, but now it’s an integral part of my weekly routine. I’ve also had to figure out how to run our family on a real schedule, and it’s been a transition, but now we’ve got it down.

What things stood out to you about your 2022?