When I was growing up, every Christmas Eve, my mom had us open brand new Christmas pajamas. Naturally, when I had my daughter, I wanted to continue that tradition, but—being me—the idea of us all matching had a strong appeal, too. I know it’s super common, now, to have family matching pajamas, but I swear we started doing it just barely before it became the thing everyone does (because I’m an enneagram 4, so I have to think that way).
In case you’re wanted to get started with matching family ‘jams, or just looking for the best possible ones, I have to tell you: we l o v e our Hanna Andersson pajamas.

Our first year as a family of 3, I think I saw an ad for them, and they were too cute to not buy. We liked them so much, we bought new ones the next year, too. The year after that, we bought from Target, in an attempt to save a little money, and that was a huge mistake. The Target ones shrunk a little, faded fast, wore our really quickly, and it weren’t that drastic of a savings. So we went back to Hanna, and never plan to go elsewhere.
Hanna Andersson pajamas are absolutely worth what you pay for (especially if you buy during their sale!). The kids outgrow their Hannas before they wear out. We had a pair of lemon pajamas that I bought for my oldest when she was a year and a half that held up with continuous wear until my second was 2 (so, about 4 years). They were literally never out of circulation. We get the right size for our kids at the time, so they aren’t too big, but they are so well-constructed that it’s not even weird for them to get up to two years of use out of them. Literally all our kids summer pajamas are from Hanna, because once you buy them, they last.

Since returning to Hanna Andersson 5 years ago, for Christmas family matching pajamas, Todd and I did made the decision to not buy tops for ourselves, as we don’t usually sleep in long sleeves, so the shirts were cute for pictures, and then not used. But we always buy ourselves the pants, and, of course, the full sets for the kids.

The prints offered are so cute. Several are more “evergreen” prints, which we’ve had before, and I always think that one day we’ll buy again. But they also have several new holiday prints every year. It was a genuinely difficult decision to decide which ones to get, because I like so many of them!
Though I enjoyed the Christmas Eve jammie opening I grew up with, a few years back, I decided to make a change. Now, one of our first days of advent is always open Christmas pjs, because then we can enjoy the festive print all season long (though we never pack them away anyway).
If you’re in the market for some fantastic pajamas, especially at Christmas time, I feel confident in saying: you will love Hanna Andersson!