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try: your local tulip festival

Tulip festivals are going on everywhere right now: take my advice and go!

We took Gwendolyn two years ago, when she was just small, but this year was so much more fun. Since we try to have lots of different outdoor experiences, I was really keen on taking her this year. She loves flowers, and she certainly hadn’t seen flowers like the ones they have at Ashton Gardens.

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Though we remember the flowers being beautiful, it truly was a whole different experience with a lively toddler. She stopped to smell or gently touch the different flowers, and seeing all the variety was exciting for her. This is why we take her on dates with us: what’s fun together is usually amplified by seeing our daughter’s enjoyment.

The flowers were a huge hit, but she also loved the toddler play area, where she made me proud by climbing the inflatable slide, and coming down (with four points of contact)—there were older kids chickening out. Heck, yes, girl! The other favourite was the koi pond, where we saw lots of huge fish, and a duck.

Overall, we all had a great time! We do a lot together, but often short outings, especially long lists, or things at home. Strolling the gardens with Gwendolyn kept our pace leisurely, and the scenery particularly interesting. After 2 hours, we all felt happy and a renewed sense of togetherness.

If you’re in Utah, they’ve extended the Tulip Festival until May 11. For those of you with kids, or just looking for a nice way to get outside with someone you care about, give your local tulip festival a try!

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