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minimalist Easter egg fillers

Easter is right around the corner, which, for lots of us people with kids, means we’ll be filling and hiding Easter eggs. This year will be Gwendolyn’s first ‘real’ egg hunt, as I just put out decorative ones for her to find last year.

The matter of what to put in the eggs has been vexing me for a few weeks, though. As a minimalist, I won’t be putting any trinkets, or garbage toys in the eggs, because I don’t want that in my house: cats + small objects + hard floors = who knows where they could end up. I also limit Gwendolyn’s treat intake, and avoid common candy and candy bars altogether (because they are everywhere, and I think it’s easier to just not go there). She’s also only 2.5, so money, and ‘coupons’ won’t impress her.

After a lot of thinking, I’ve come up with candy-free, disposable egg inserts!

  • Stickers (we’re going with My Little Pony, because it’s her favourite)
  • Notes saying we love her (“Mommy loves you, Gwendolyn!”)
  • Small photos of people she loves (family, including pets; friends)
  • Fruits (grapes, or blueberries), baby carrots, and perhaps nuts

I think these items will excite her, and really we’re just looking to keep her from feeling left out when her older cousins hunt. As she gets older, I could also consider:

  • Coupons (“Stay up 1 hour later; “Read a new book with Dad”; “Mommy-daughter date”)
  • Small amounts of money
  • Silly ‘Simon says’ actions

Being a minimalist and anti-candy around the holidays is tricky, but I think it’s worth the effort to find a solution that feels best for you and your family. I’d love to know if you have any other suggestions for egg-fillers that fit into this category. And I really hope that this list of suggestions helps anyone else out there agonizing over what they could possibly do that doesn’t go against their criteria.

Happy egg-hunting!

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