Wow! I cannot believe I’ve been blogging here for 5 years.
In some ways, it’s kind of surprising how little has changed, at least on the surface. Same house; right after I started this blog, I got pregnant, and we’ve not added any more since then (with the exception of Blythe). On the other hand, in a bunch of tiny ways, mostly thing I don’t discuss here, things are different, and I’m a bit different, too.
So far, I’ve been able to mould this space into exactly what I wanted: giving the thoughts and advice I’d give to my friends, but to an extended group of ‘friends’ online. And I really, really hope that you’ve found something—maybe multiple somethings—here that has helped or inspired you.
You may have noticed that I’ve recently added a couple more categories to my writing collection (on the nav bar): homeschool, as we’ve been doing it for a few years now; language learning, specifically Korean; and A Greener Anthropocene Reviewed, where I do more thought essay type pieces.
Going forward, I hope to create more posts in these areas, as well as the others, and anything else that feels useful or worth writing about; and also work on marketing a bit more ha.
Whether you’ve been around for the whole 5 years, pop in when you fancy, or are new to this blog, thank you so much for your readership!
Please go nuts sharing posts you like anytime anywhere, leaving comments, and liking posts, as that helps a truly ridiculous amount.
Cheers to me for 5 years, cheers to you for your eyes, cheers to more time in this space together!