2 year olds are fun, because they have finally reached an age to really get excited about new things, and can actually use those things. However, it can still be tricky to narrow down what the little one in your life will really enjoy. Each kid is different, but having a couple of kids, I can share what have been hits for both.
At the time of writing this post, Christmas has just passed, but this list is evergreen—use it for birthdays or Christmases. For suggestions for large toys (non-toy shelf things), check out my post here.

play silks – they come in normal-size, small, and even giant versions. You can get multipacks for cheap, or invest in Sarah’s Silks. Both are good. My kids (currently 5, and 2, play with these daily).
baby doll – it’s common for 2 year olds to be drawn to baby dolls. My son has not really cared much for stuffed animals, but he l o v e s his new soft Playdate Friends doll from Manhattan Toy Co. We are also fans of Miniland dolls, as they are anatomically correct, though they are not cuddly. Get a toddler-sized baby doll carrier (Gwendolyn had a Wildbird ring sling, and we got Harry a Happy Baby carrier, as those were what they were carried in most, respectively)
barbie doll – both my kids had interest in barbies sooner than I expected, right around 2. There’s a large variety of cheap Barbies, and your little one will likely love having a somewhat-realistic adult—or adult and child—to role-play with. My son thinks his new Ken doll looks like one of his favourite people, and it’s very sweet.
instruments – making music is fun for kids! We’ve loved our xylophone for years. Wrist bells, bongos, and egg shakers are also good for this age.
Schleich animals – I’ve noticed my youngest getting into more imaginative play as of late, and these realistic animals are beautiful, and a great size for little hands. We let my daughter pick out 3 herself a few years back, but made a large gift of farm animals for our son for christmas. If your child has a favourite animal, these are sure to be a hit!
cars – or anything that rolls, really. Toy cars (like hotwheels) or planes; a barbie car; a dump truck; a pull animal toy.
grimms stackers – though these are not suited to particularly destructive children, as they are wooden, our son has been playing with his older sister’s stacker a lot, and loving it. They can be creative, and make lots of designs, or even houses (say for schleich animals).
As you search for something that a 2 year old can play with for a long time to come, I hope this list helps you narrow it down! I have several other gift guides that you can check out here.