Last year, on December 29th, I launched this blog, with a welcome post + 5 other posts to start. Honestly, I couldn’t have imagined what it’d be like a full year later.
Most surprisingly, I wasn’t expecting to get pregnant so soon, and the Pregnancy and 4th Trimester Series have taken up a lot of space here. Though I had a couple of gaps in posting (like when I was having morning sickness, and we were all swapping illness for 2 months at the same time), and right after Harry was born, I’m so proud of how well I’ve stuck to this. Blogging wasn’t my original dream, or my plan b. But it is what works for my parenting style, and this phase of life. Having a creative outlet, and a place where I can share what makes me happy has been so wonderful.
Aside from the Pregnancy and 4th Trimester Series, I’ve KonMari’d a 4th time to really walk readers through the process. I’ve got series for cosleeping, capsule wardrobes, and babywearing. In the new year, I’ll be putting up my second annual booklist, and starting a Postpartum Series following topics relevant to baby’s first year of life, and life as a postpartum person.
I’m so proud of the messages and information I’ve been able to out out, and look forward to next year’s content, and sharing my experiences with you, dear reader.
There will be some changes in the new year. Though my first year blogging was a 3 times a week schedule (for the most part), with two kiddos now, I’ll be bumping down to two times a week through the middle of September. After that, I may go back to two for any other big events that would be fun or useful to document, or maybe the holidays, but otherwise, I’ll then go down to just one blog post per week.
Finally, I just want to give a sincere thank you to everyone who has read, or shared this blog. Honestly, that means so much to me, and I’m always chuffed to absolute bits when I hear that a post has made a positive impact of someone. Knowing that the solutions I have worked hard for are now accessible and implementable to others, makes me so happy.
I hope that in the upcoming year, I can continue to share useful, and fun ideas, and that we can continue learning together!